

Here you can request his guitar playing for your next event.
All details can be discussed in writing or during a personal phone call.

View previous events



Saturday, 11 January at 19:00

Saturday, 25 January at 19:00

Saturday, 02 February

Monday, 05 May at 18:00

Saturday, 19 July

Wednesday, 21 May

Sunday, June 08, 9 p.m. - midnight

Saturday, June 14 - Wednesday, June 18


Guitar duo interpretation course at 15:30 combined with a concert at 19:00

Concert of the guitar class at the BTU Cottbus

Juror at Jugend musiziert in Hoyerswerda (Saxony)

GuitarPLUS’ concert with Philipp Seidel

Concert with Simon Riedlecker and organ

Concierto de Aranjuez with the Open Symphonic Orchestra

30 minutes of guitar music every hour on the hour for the “Night of the Open Churches”

Participation in the Paledreo guitar orchestra at the German orchestra competition


Musik- und Kunstschule Johann Theodor Römhild des Landkreise Spree-Neiße - Schloßbezirk 3, 03130 Spremberg

Lipezkerstr. 47 / Building 7, 03048 Cottbus

Musicschool Hoyerswerda- Lausitzer Pl. 4, 02977 Hoyerswerda

Dresdner Str. 19, 01662 Meißen

Dom zu Meißen - Domplatz, 01662 Meißen


Thiemstraße 27, 03050 Cottbus

Mainz / Wiesbaden



Here you can request his guitar playing for your next event.

View previous events


Saturday, 11 January at 19:00
Guitar duo interpretation at course at 15:30 combined with a concert at 19:00
Musik- und Kunstschule Johann Theodor Römhild des Landkreise Spree-Neiße - Schloßbezirk 3, 03130 Spremberg 

Saturday, 25 January at 19:00
Concert of the guitar class at the BTU Cottbus
Lipezkerstr. 47 / Building 7, 03048 Cottbus

Saturday, 01 February
Juror at Jugend musiziert in Hoyerswerda (Saxony)
Hoyerswerda Music School - Lausitzer Pl. 4, 02977 Hoyerswerda

Monday, 05 May at 18:00
GuitarPLUS’ concert with Philipp Seidel
Dresdner Str. 19, 01662 Meißen

Saturday, 19 July
Concert with Simon Riedlecker and organ
Dom zu Meißen - Domplatz, 01662 Meißen

Wednesday, May 21
Concierto de Aranjuez with the Open Symphonic Orchestra!

Sunday, June 08, 9 p.m. - midnight
30 minutes of guitar music every hour on the hour for the “Night of the Open Churches”
Thiemstraße 27, 03050 Cottbus

Saturday, June 14 - Wednesday, June 18
Participation in the Paledreo guitar orchestra at the German orchestra competition
Mainz / Wiesbaden